Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Aloha Friday

Happy Aloha Friday everyone! Yep, Aloha Friday is my favorite day of the week, and a perfect excuse for all lovers of Hawaiian shirts to sport their favorite aloha wear for at least one day of the week. At the time of writing this I am thinking that I should be working on getting new products online, helping out at the San Diego Showroom, getting ready for the Friday night cruising Grand event (a 400+ classic car show where most participants wear car shirts that represent their automobiles), finalizing plans for the upcoming May 10th hula show etc. but to be honest I am just plain lazy today.

Maybe my laziness is attributed to the warm sunny weather and lack of supervision, I just don’t know and I really don’t care because its Aloha Friday. But then does anyone actually get much accomplished on Fridays?

Mahalo and happy Aloha Friday!

Rare Gray Aloha Shirts