Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ten things you should do while wearing a Hawaiian Shirt

Ten things you should do while wearing a Hawaiian Shirt:

1. Go to a Luau

2. Go to Da Beach to catch Da Local Babes Attention

3. Play your Ukulele... (keep it clean brah)

4. Crash a Wedding

5. Eat Fish & Poi

6. Wear your Hawaiian Shirt on Aloha Friday

7. Take a Trip to Hawaii

8. Hang Loose \m/

9. Go Check Out Hula Girls!

10. Cruizing with the Top Down

Ok so you live in a cave and have no idea where to buy a Hawaiian shirt. Here is a hint, check out Wave Shoppe Hawaiian Shirts and Apparel

Post a comment and tell us what you do in a Hawaiian shirt or post your comment on and we will list your FB page right here! I hold open houses in my Hawaiian shirts I meet with clients in my Hawaiian shirts. No suit or tie here! Hamilton II take a stroll on the beach at sunset and watch the fireworks after dark on 4th of july with your toes in the cool sand.

1 comment:

  1. I go to work in mine. Anything to get away from the suit and tie.


Rare Gray Aloha Shirts