Thursday, September 13, 2007

Is Your Web Business a Target?

Is this you and your business?

Morning everyone! I was reading a post in a forum this morning and it simply amazes me when I see how vulnerable some of the web “businesses” really are. Most of what you read and hear in the forums is the steady drum beat of SEO. But this poster was commenting on how someone emailed him because the name he used was similar to his own and asked him to change it, (the names are not trademarked or brand-able). Now my take is that the guy that sent the email is just a big pussy and can’t take the heat. But more amazing is that the other guy does not appear to have licensed his business.

Listen up people, registering a domain is not the same as actually licensing a business in California and the rest of the USA for all that matters. Now there is a fair amount of smack in the forums about how one makes this and another makes that. I wonder if any of the web owners realize that they literally paint a big target on their web by not properly licensing it.

Is it worthwhile to engage in Negative / Positive SEO to deliver a knockout punch to your competition? Naaa if they are doing sales online just look them up online in the county records or call the county office, if they dont have a license, simply report them for failure to report income and pay sales tax.

Having said that, if you are truly committed to your business, you need to make sure you do it right. The financial and legal benefits far outweigh the few dollars you will spend on permits and licenses. If you do not, loser is the word that comes to mind.


  1. Licenses, permits? Doing that in one country is no protection all all me thinks in the global economy. The only way to do it properly is through trademarking. Is Wave Shoppe trademarked. If not any permit or license is worthless

  2. No. You're trademarked in the US automatically. If you use the name, it's yours and someone else can't just steal it.


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